Hi, I'm

Jackline Jebet

Software Engineer Nairobi-Kenya

I'm an ambitious software developer from Kenya,
I believe in engaging and collaborating with different teams and groups to solve complex problems and coming up with world changing innovative ideas

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Remarkable Achievements

Innovative JavaScript, HTML 5 and CSS approaches, frameworks, and libraries.


I believe in collaboration, sharing knowledge, methods, and resources across projects, to achieve better goals as a team. The future depends not just on one individual but many to change the world for the better..

IT Expertise

• JavaScript • React js • Node js •Git • Bootstrap •Wordpress • Html • Css • SQL • Ruby • Ruby on Rails •

I work as a full-stack web developer.

I am capable of creating any design of your choice.

Good day, there! I have extensive experience designing new user-facing features, deciding the structure and style of web pages, creating reusable programs, optimizing page loading, and creating web pages utilizing a number of markup languages.

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Personal Project Concepts

Here are a few of my recent projects, they are all
responsive and adaptive in nature

Web Design


Web Design


Web Design


Web Design



Client Services I Provide

These are the types of services I provide, and I tailor my services to the needs of my clients.
World class services


Starts From Ksh.20000

I can deliver scalable and easy-to-maintain products by utilizing cutting-edge front-end technologies. Each solution is created with considerable care and attention to detail, which I oversee to ensure that it looks fantastic on both small mobile displays and huge desktop monitors..


Starts From Ksh.70500

WordPress is extremely important to us because it powers alot of websites on the Internet! I can help you with not just easy theme tweaks, but also extensive plugin development, building a business website from the ground up, and providing an effective e-commerce solution for your online store..

Businesses and Individual Portfolio websites

Starting From Ksh.50000

With the advent of the internet, the entire world has become as small compared to before. Distance engagement and information exchange around the globe is now a reality, thus I create fantastic websites for both businesses and individuals that want to be noticed.

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Jackline Jebet




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